led controller K8000D digital UCS1903 TM1803 WS2811 Pixel led

Add:3/F,Building A,Jinmao Technology Park,Tangyanshan lndustrial Zone Tangkeng,Shiyan,BaoanDistrict,Shenzhen Email:jessie@witop-tech.com phone:0086+15676178187 K-8000D Operation Manual 一、 K-8000D Feature : 1 、 32 — 65536 gray level control , Gamma correction processing 。 2、 Support each regular and anomalous mapping 3、 The controller have 8 channels , each channel support 512 pixel (Max) 。 4 、 Controller support cascade connection , wire length between each controller can achieve distances of up to 200m (max) , 5 、 K-8000D could support 30pcs different pattern . 备注: Remark: 1.Please contact sales or technical support person to know the details when you need to use the global wireless GPS synchronization, channel distributor and timing play.( 备注: 1 、需要使用全球无线 GPS 同步、控台通道分配器和定时播放的时候请联系 销售人员或者技术支持了解详细情况 ) 二、 S...